

We, those faculty, and administrators of African descent of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, to facilitate and influence policies that affect our welfare at the University, to promote professional and development, and to encourage participation in the Charlotte community, do establish this Constitution for the Caucus for the Caucus of Faculty/ Administrators/ Staff of African Descent.


SECTION I Caucus of Faculty/ Administrators/ Staff of African Descent


SECTION 1 The purpose of the Caucus of Faculty/ Administrators/ Staff of African Descent, hereby referred to as the ‘Caucus’ shall be to facilitate, influence and provide guidance for educational, administrative and personnel policies that affect the welfare of the African- American & African community of UNCC

SECTION 2 The functions of the Caucus shall be to:

(a)Serve as a support network for African- American & African members of the University community and articulate the collective concerns to the appropriate university officials.

(b)Identify the professional and/ or technical needs of the African- American & African community and design programs relevant to those needs.

(c)Advise university administrative leadership on how to best attract and retain greater numbers of faculty, staff and administrators pursuant to University Goal #7- To enhance opportunities for learning in a culturally rich environment.

(d)Promote active representation on significant University search committees, standing committees and task forces.

(e)Meet with the Chancellor at least once per year and serve in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor.

(f)Maintain and expand channels of communication with the greater Charlotte community.

(g)Gather information, from both on and off campus, related to professional growth and development; and disseminate this information to the African- American & African University community.

(h)Establish key goals yearly and communicate those goals to the University community.

(i)Develop financial and other resources necessary to maintain the effectiveness of the Caucus.


SECTION 1 The Caucus shall consist of the African- American & Africa faculty administrators, and staff of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, who have registered with the organization. There will be two open enrollment periods: fall semester, beginning the first day of classes and ending on the 30th of September; and spring semester, beginning the first of classes and ending the 15th of February.

SECTION 2 Associate membership shall be granted to those persons interested in and sensitive to the purpose of the Caucus.

Associate members shall have all of the privileges of the Caucus except those making motions, voting, and holding office.


SECTION 1 The officers of the Caucus shall be Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Parliamentarian.

SECTION 2 The Chairperson shall preside at all General Body and Executive Committee meetings of the Caucus. The Chairperson shall make recommendations for the nominations of the following committees: Coordinators of the Student Affairs, Communications/ Community Affairs, and Ad Hoc Committee to the Executive Committee for approval by a simple majority. The Student Affairs and Communication/ Community Affairs committees shall be formed every even year as soon as possible after the new officers have been elected. The Chairperson or his/her designated Caucus representative shall serve as coordinator of the Personnel Committee.

The term of office of the Chairperson shall be two years

SECTION 3 The Vice Chairperson shall serve as Program Coordinator of the Caucus. It shall be his/her responsibility to coordinate and monitor activities of the coordinators of the standing committees.

In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall preside at meetings. In the event that the Chairperson is unable to complete his/ her term of office the Vice Chairperson shall assume the chair.

The term of office of the Vice Chairperson shall be two years.

SECTION 4 The Secretary shall record proceedings of meetings of the General Body, the Executive Committee and other meetings identified by the Chairperson. He/ she shall be responsible for all official Caucus correspondence during his/her tenure. The Secretary shall serve as a chairperson of the Membership Committee.

The term of office of the Secretary shall be two years.

SECTION 5 The Treasurer shall be responsible for all fiscal matters related to the Caucus. He/she make financial reports at each Executive Committee meeting as well as General Body meetings.

The term of office of the Treasurer shall be two years.

SECTION 6 The Parliamentarian shall decide all questions of order. It shall be his/her duty to see that the Constitution of the Caucus is complied with and that its provisions are properly executed. The Parliamentarian shall serve as coordinator of the Nominating Committee.

The term of office of the Parliamentarian shall be two years.

SECTION 7 Upon expiration of term of office, officers shall forward official Caucus minutes, materials, correspondence, books, and financial records to the newly elected officers.

SECTION 8 Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall be used to cover procedures not prescribed by this Constitution.



(a) Standing Committees consisting of no fewer than three members each shall be as follows:

  1. Program Committee
  2. Membership Committee
  3. Faculty and Administrators Affairs Committee
  4. Student Affairs Committee
  5. Communications/Community Affairs Committee
  6. Staff Affairs Committee
  7. Personnel Committee
  8. Executive Committee
  9. Nominating Committee

(b) Each standing committee shall make appropriate recommendations for actions or confirmation by the Executive Committee on various matters at least four days prior to a scheduled meeting as follows:

  1. Program Committee The Vice Chairperson shall serve as coordinator of the Program Committee. The committee shall plan, organize and implement at least one major program each year aimed at addressing a critical issue consistent with the purpose and functions of the Caucus. The Program Committee is responsible for coordinating all programming activities of the Caucus and shall recommend to the General Body budget allocations for the various programming activities. Program shall be devoted to issues or topics of interest/concern to the African-American & African community.
  2. Membership Committee he Secretary shall serve as coordinator of the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for recruiting and sustaining membership for the Caucus. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for contacting all new African- American & African personnel on a continuing basis and maintaining a register of members. This committee shall be formed as soon as new officers are elected.
  3. Faculty and Administrators Affairs Committee The Faculty and Administrators Affairs Committee shall be chaired by an elected coordinator. The committee shall be responsible for communicating directly with the Caucus members and with African-American & African faculty and administrators at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte regarding those areas which are of concern to African-American & African faculty, e.g., recruitment, retention, promotion, resources for publication and other issues related to professional development. The membership shall consist of the entire constituency.
  4. Student Affairs Committee The Student Affairs Committee shall be chaired by an appointed coordinator. The Student Affairs Committee shall be responsible for communicating directly with the Caucus members and with African-American & Africa students at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte regarding those areas which are of concern to African-American & Africa students, e.g. recruitment, retention and financial assistance and other issues as they affect students. This committee shall have two students representatives selected by the Black Student Union.
  5. Communications/ Community Affairs Committee The Communication/Community Affairs Committee shall be chaired by an appointed coordinator. The Communication/Community Affairs Committee shall concern itself with issues relevant to the welfare of the University and the community it serves and shall expand and improve the image and effectiveness of the Caucus. This committee shall be responsible for public relations, e.g., newsletter, logo and receptions.
  6. Staff Affairs Committee The Staff Affairs Committee shall be chaired by two elected coordinators. This committee shall address the concerns of Staff at the University regarding those areas that are of concern to staff, e.g. recruitment, retention, promotion, resources for publication and other issues related to professional development. The membership shall consist of the entire constituency.
  7. Personnel Committee The Chairperson shall serve as the coordinator. The Personnel Committee will address the grievances of and make recommendations to the complainant. Whenever appropriate, this committee will interact with the Affirmative Action Officer or other university officials.
  8. Executive Committee The Executive Committee shall consist of officers of the Caucus and standing committee coordinators. The Chairperson shall serve as coordinator of the Executive Committee. The Committee shall consult with resource persons deemed necessary to fulfill the mission of the Caucus. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once prior to the semester scheduled General Body meetings. The Committee shall meet upon the request of the Chairperson or three of its members and as needed. The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Caucus and shall arrange its business meetings; and perform such other duties as are specified in this Constitution. The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Caucus; and none of its acts shall conflict with actions taken by the Caucus.
  9. Nominating Committee The Parliamentarian shall serve as coordinator of the Nominating Committee and preside over elections. This committee shall be responsible for soliciting candidates for the officers and coordinators of Staff Affairs and Faculty and Administrators Affairs Committees to be filled circulating names of nominees in writing to the membership of the Caucus at least ten days prior to the Annual Meetings; preparing a written ballot of such candidates for the Annual meetings (Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the Annual meeting); conducting run-off elections in case of a tie; and, installing newly elected officers.

SECTION 2 The Executive Committee shall make nominations to the Caucus of persons to fill vacancies and unexpired terms. The membership shall vote on the nominees.

SECTION 3 No member shall hold more than one office at any one time, and no officer shall e eligible for more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

SECTION 4 All Officers and the Coordinators of the Faculty/ Administrators and Staff Affairs committees shall be elected by ballot to serve two years. Officers and respective Coordinators shall be installed and assume office immediately upon their election at the Annual Meeting. The Chairperson, Treasurer and Parliamentarian shall be elected every even year whereas the Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Coordinator of Faculty/ Administrators Affairs committee and Co- Coordinators of the Staff Affairs committee every odd year.

SECTION 5 Any officer or coordinator desiring to resign from his/her elected office shall submit his/her resignation in writing to the Secretary.


SECTION 1 There shall be regularly scheduled General Body meetings each academic year. Meetings shall be scheduled at least two per semester, except the Summer Sessions, when Special meetings may be called.

SECTION 2 The last General Body meeting during the Spring Semester shall be known at the Annual Meetings, and shall be for the purpose of electing and installing officers and coordinators and conducting such other business as may properly be brought before the Caucus.

SECTION 3 Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee, the Chairperson, or shall be called upon the written request of ten members of the Caucus.

SECTION 4 Agenda items will be received in writing by the Executive Committee for presentation to the body at least two weeks prior to each regular meeting. A first order of business of each meeting shall be the presentation of the agenda. Additional items may be added to the agenda at any regular meeting by majority vote of those present.

SECTION 5 One-third of the total active membership shall constitute a quorum for official business


SECTION 1 Rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern the Caucus in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution.


SECTION 1 This Constitution may be amended or repealed at a regular or special meeting by vote of a simple majority of the Caucus.

SECTION 2 Amendment and repeal recommendations shall be reviewed by an ad hoc constitution committee. The committee shall review and make recommendations in writing to all Caucus members prior to the meeting at which the amendment or repeal will be voted upon.